Friday, May 11, 2007

Fetch Art Uninstallation Instructions

So let's say you've installed Fetch Art and now you want to uninstall it.

It's really quite simple. You will find files installed in two locations.

The application itself should be installed at:
[your hard drive]/Applications

The script that appears in the iTunes menu bar is at:
[your hard drive]/Library/iTunes/Scripts/

If it was the only iTunes script you had, you can delete the Scripts directory and the script menu in iTunes should disappear.

Alternately you could go in the Finder, go to File->Find... and search on Fetch Art to find the locations of the files and simply delete them from the Find results window.

1 comment:

sonnydaez said...

how do i completely uninstall fetchart from mountain lion? I appreciate that it was free but it simply doesn't work and i'm stuck with the icon. I cannot find any script folder and searching for fetchart brings up no results. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank-you